Tanggal 1 Juli adalah Tahun Rotary baru. Tepatnya tanggal 19 Juli yang lalu telah terjadi estafet tongkat kepemimpinan dari Immediate Past President Chris ke President Anna. Atas permintaan Pres. Anna, acara berlangsung sederhana dan sangat informal di rumah IPP Chris. Di luar club members ada dua orang tamu, yaitu AG Betty, mewakili District, dan Richard, peserta Youth Exchange Program yang telah menyelesaikan sekolahnya satu tahun di Amerika atas sponsor Rotary Club Senayan. Potluck party berjalan meriah. Welcome on board Pres. Anna. Wish you all the best!
Acara ditutup dengan kunjungan unik. Sebagian besar members menyempatkan diri menengok bisnis sego kucing yang dikelola PP Rasdi, yang terletak di negeri antah berantah di sekitar Bekasi-Pulo Gadung. Kami menutup hari sampai tengah malam. Bisnis yang menarik! Hanya dalam waktu beberapa bulan PP Rasdi sudah bisa merekrut sepuluh tenaga lulusan SD untuk mengelola bisnisnya. Siapa menyusul membuka kesempatan kerja?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
Ice fishing
Ada sharing dari Richard, peserta Youth Exchange Program yang disponsori Rotary Club Senayan, dan sekarang masih berada di Amrik dan menikmati salju di sana.
Ini ceritanya... Foto menyusul ya. Tampaknya ada masalah teknis :)
On Monday, March 17 2008 I went ice-fishing for the first time. It was a nice experience. The weather wasn't too cold, the wind-chill temperature was probably about -8 Celcius. We went there for about 5-6 hours, sitting and waiting for the fish to come. I caught - in total - 9 fish, but I released 4 of them since they were too small. The other guy caught 15, and the other one caught 9. So, we had 29 fish in total. Most of the fish are bluegill (see picture). It has crisp flavor - I like it. Some of it were crappie and one perch. The fish that I hold in the picture is about the size of the fish that we caught. I wish I could go again.
So, here is how:
First, we drove our car "into" the lake - for the lake was frozen. Then we drilled some holes through the 1.5m-thick ice. We used a very simple fishing pole with a 2-pound test fishing line and start fishing.
Ada sharing dari Richard, peserta Youth Exchange Program yang disponsori Rotary Club Senayan, dan sekarang masih berada di Amrik dan menikmati salju di sana.
Ini ceritanya... Foto menyusul ya. Tampaknya ada masalah teknis :)
On Monday, March 17 2008 I went ice-fishing for the first time. It was a nice experience. The weather wasn't too cold, the wind-chill temperature was probably about -8 Celcius. We went there for about 5-6 hours, sitting and waiting for the fish to come. I caught - in total - 9 fish, but I released 4 of them since they were too small. The other guy caught 15, and the other one caught 9. So, we had 29 fish in total. Most of the fish are bluegill (see picture). It has crisp flavor - I like it. Some of it were crappie and one perch. The fish that I hold in the picture is about the size of the fish that we caught. I wish I could go again.
So, here is how:
First, we drove our car "into" the lake - for the lake was frozen. Then we drilled some holes through the 1.5m-thick ice. We used a very simple fishing pole with a 2-pound test fishing line and start fishing.
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