Sabtu, 29 September 2007, Project Leader acara Toko Kaget Ramadhan (Tokadan) dan Buka Puasa Bersama, Past Pres. Didit dan Rtn. Santi, ditemani oleh Pres. Chris dan dua tamu dari Belanda Marjoleine Jurriansen dan Annekee Van Dehn, volunteer yang sedang berada di Jakarta; melakukan survey ke lokasi acara di sebuah desa di Kelurahan Pasir Putih, Sawangan, Depok. Kami diterima oleh Ibu Rofi'atin, Ketua Pengurus Yayasan Bina Mulia, dan Pak Mustofa, salah satu pengurus Yayasan.
Banyak hal menarik yang kami dapatkan saat survey, tapi yang paling menarik dari semuanya adalah cara berpikir ibu Rofi yang sangat berjiwa pendidik. Semua hal beliau pikirkan dengan baik. Saat kami mengajukan usul untuk makan nasi box agar praktis dan tidak menyusahkan beliau, dengan bijaksana beliau berbagi niatnya untuk selalu mendidik anak-anak dan masyarakat setempat. Prasmanan memakai piring adalah sarannya agar anak2 belajar untuk mengantri, menakar jumlah makanan yang diambil (secukupnya dan memikirkan orang lain dalam antrian di belakangnya), dan cuci piring sesudah makan sebagai bagian dari tanggung-jawab mereka. Sebuah hal kecil yang membekas di hati kami dan membuat kami. Sebuah peneguhan bahwa kami mempunyai partner yang tepat untuk program kemanusiaan Rotary Club Senayan.
Semoga kerjasama ini akan berlangsung panjang, sehingga benih-benih yang sudah ditanam Ibu Rofi untuk Desa Pasir Putih, Sawangan, segera menghasilkan buah yang berkelimpahan.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Shoot the best, Richard! We are all with you...
Di bawah ini adalah korespondensi kami dengan seorang siswa yang kami sponsori untuk YEP (Youth Exchange Program), Richard Timothy yang saat ini berada di Wisconsin. Suka dan duka ada dalam sharingnya. is about balance anyway. Move on Richard!
Hallo Richard,
How are you?
I am fine here. The word "fine" doesn't necessesarily mean everything is okay, but it means "nothing to worry about". I've been in Eau Claire, Wisconsin since 25 August 2007 and it means it's almost a month. My school started at Sept.4, so I will tell my first impression of America and its people's life.
I noticed that there is a similarity between American teenagers (high-school students) and "Americanized" Indonesian student which I found a lot in Jakarta). The thing that I want to mention is not a positive thing. When I was in grade 10 in my old school in Sentul, Bogor, of all the students in my grade one student appeared to be different because she's an American-the only American student in our school to the best as my knowledge. She's fat, ugly, stinky, and basically she is a "misfit" in our society. She was excluded from the social life amongst my friends and although all of my friends know that she cried a lot and stressed out too, my friends seem didn't care about her at all, by any means, by any ways.
I found out later that this society-I called it-an Americanized Indonesian society.
While this is not my case, some parts of it are true. I have to admit that the tendency such exclusion are huge in my high school. I guess because there are a lot of foreign exchange student in our school (not through the Rotary), so in their mind they think that foreign exchange student is common. So, they are not interested in meeting foreign exchange student from other country. In my high school, I know a student from Thailand (if I'm right), three students from China, two students from Germany, and one student from Indonesia (Raditya Hermawan), he's living with his brother in his rented house but he doesn't seem happy to meet me as an Indonesian (perhaps this case is rare, because he should be happy to meet another Indonesian in a foreign country) He's been living in US for 2 years and this is the third year.
This is the fact about life in America. American colleges are most probably good, but it doesn't have to be the case in high school life. They are pure individualists who care of their ownselves and not for others - and this is true for the teacher too. I am not welcomed by some of the teachers, although I have to admit that some of them are a little bit friendly.
That is the end of the school's story.
My host family is probably not the greatest host family of all, but they are pretty decent. They are responsible in term of giving food and shelter only. Perhaps this is because someone from Rotary offered them to be a host family, instead of they wanted to host a student. I don't know iwhether every American behave like Therese McCall (Teri McCall) or not. They seemed to be angry when I don't understand what they said. (Actually they should talk slower and not louder so that I can understand them). In simple words, they are treating me just like a guest.
My host mother also pretend me as a person who comes from a village and cannot use a microwave(!) this is such a rude thing that offended me.
"You put too much milk in your cereal. Don't you have cereals in Indonesia?!" (she wasn't yelling, but using the yelling tone) - Of course we have cereal in Indonesia. It's up to me how much milk I wanted.
"Never mind" - are two words that I hate because I want to learn what they're saying to me. Don't say "never mind" when I don't understand you for only 2 times you've said it.. You should be proud when someone wants to learn your language, don't they?
"You're wasting our electricity! (she is YELLING at me) We don't turn the light on in summer unless someone's in room" - for an Indonesian, this sentence is extremely rude. How can a host mother like Teri McCall say that sentence when I forgot to turn off the light??
"Hey, where have you been? People (my friends) were coming out 5 minutes ago!" (She is YELLING at me) - what an unpatient woman! she's not a real mother. How can she is troubled just to wait for me for 5 minutes? It's ridiculous.
They don't allow me to just take a look at their bedroom (!)
"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
But, there are many good things to say too:
1. Until this second, there has not been any warning about the use of computer - although I almost use it everyday for at least 1 hour.
2. I have my own room and my own bathroom.
3. They give me enough food, although I eat twice as much as my host family did, my weight is not increasing at all.
4. The air is very clear (compared to Jakarta)
5. The water is very clean, you can drink water directly from the sink. The word "Eau Claire" are derived from French which means "Clean Water".
6. The city is small and lightly populated. With an area that is much larger than Jakarta, Eau Claire County is only populated by around 62,000 people. There are a lot of green open-spaces which are beautiful to see as a refreshment.
7. The time needed to go to school is only 11 minutes by car, so I can have more sleep in the morning.
8. The classes are easy and I don't have serious and significant trouble in understanding my teacher's speeches.
9. I don't need a sweatshirt or jacket to deal with 20 degree Celcius or below, my body has developed a "resistance"
10. The major road that exist our neighborhood surround a golf course (Princeton Valley Golf Course), so I can walk for 2 miles while breathing clean air. It's also take us a minute to go to the golf course by car.
11. I give thanks because I will find out a lot more positive things to add this small list.
Hallo Richard,
How are you?
I am fine here. The word "fine" doesn't necessesarily mean everything is okay, but it means "nothing to worry about". I've been in Eau Claire, Wisconsin since 25 August 2007 and it means it's almost a month. My school started at Sept.4, so I will tell my first impression of America and its people's life.
I noticed that there is a similarity between American teenagers (high-school students) and "Americanized" Indonesian student which I found a lot in Jakarta). The thing that I want to mention is not a positive thing. When I was in grade 10 in my old school in Sentul, Bogor, of all the students in my grade one student appeared to be different because she's an American-the only American student in our school to the best as my knowledge. She's fat, ugly, stinky, and basically she is a "misfit" in our society. She was excluded from the social life amongst my friends and although all of my friends know that she cried a lot and stressed out too, my friends seem didn't care about her at all, by any means, by any ways.
I found out later that this society-I called it-an Americanized Indonesian society.
While this is not my case, some parts of it are true. I have to admit that the tendency such exclusion are huge in my high school. I guess because there are a lot of foreign exchange student in our school (not through the Rotary), so in their mind they think that foreign exchange student is common. So, they are not interested in meeting foreign exchange student from other country. In my high school, I know a student from Thailand (if I'm right), three students from China, two students from Germany, and one student from Indonesia (Raditya Hermawan), he's living with his brother in his rented house but he doesn't seem happy to meet me as an Indonesian (perhaps this case is rare, because he should be happy to meet another Indonesian in a foreign country) He's been living in US for 2 years and this is the third year.
This is the fact about life in America. American colleges are most probably good, but it doesn't have to be the case in high school life. They are pure individualists who care of their ownselves and not for others - and this is true for the teacher too. I am not welcomed by some of the teachers, although I have to admit that some of them are a little bit friendly.
That is the end of the school's story.
My host family is probably not the greatest host family of all, but they are pretty decent. They are responsible in term of giving food and shelter only. Perhaps this is because someone from Rotary offered them to be a host family, instead of they wanted to host a student. I don't know iwhether every American behave like Therese McCall (Teri McCall) or not. They seemed to be angry when I don't understand what they said. (Actually they should talk slower and not louder so that I can understand them). In simple words, they are treating me just like a guest.
My host mother also pretend me as a person who comes from a village and cannot use a microwave(!) this is such a rude thing that offended me.
"You put too much milk in your cereal. Don't you have cereals in Indonesia?!" (she wasn't yelling, but using the yelling tone) - Of course we have cereal in Indonesia. It's up to me how much milk I wanted.
"Never mind" - are two words that I hate because I want to learn what they're saying to me. Don't say "never mind" when I don't understand you for only 2 times you've said it.. You should be proud when someone wants to learn your language, don't they?
"You're wasting our electricity! (she is YELLING at me) We don't turn the light on in summer unless someone's in room" - for an Indonesian, this sentence is extremely rude. How can a host mother like Teri McCall say that sentence when I forgot to turn off the light??
"Hey, where have you been? People (my friends) were coming out 5 minutes ago!" (She is YELLING at me) - what an unpatient woman! she's not a real mother. How can she is troubled just to wait for me for 5 minutes? It's ridiculous.
They don't allow me to just take a look at their bedroom (!)
"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
But, there are many good things to say too:
1. Until this second, there has not been any warning about the use of computer - although I almost use it everyday for at least 1 hour.
2. I have my own room and my own bathroom.
3. They give me enough food, although I eat twice as much as my host family did, my weight is not increasing at all.
4. The air is very clear (compared to Jakarta)
5. The water is very clean, you can drink water directly from the sink. The word "Eau Claire" are derived from French which means "Clean Water".
6. The city is small and lightly populated. With an area that is much larger than Jakarta, Eau Claire County is only populated by around 62,000 people. There are a lot of green open-spaces which are beautiful to see as a refreshment.
7. The time needed to go to school is only 11 minutes by car, so I can have more sleep in the morning.
8. The classes are easy and I don't have serious and significant trouble in understanding my teacher's speeches.
9. I don't need a sweatshirt or jacket to deal with 20 degree Celcius or below, my body has developed a "resistance"
10. The major road that exist our neighborhood surround a golf course (Princeton Valley Golf Course), so I can walk for 2 miles while breathing clean air. It's also take us a minute to go to the golf course by car.
11. I give thanks because I will find out a lot more positive things to add this small list.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Richard goes to Wisconsin
Di bawah ini adalah tulisan yang dikirim oleh Richard, salah seorang peserta Youth Exchange Program (YEP). Program ini adalah salah satu kegiatan dari Rotary Club Senayan yang telah dilakukan sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu. Richard adalah anak Indonesia kedua yang disponsori oleh Club kami. Kami juga pernah menjadi Host Club atau club penerima program YEP dari luar negeri, yaitu dari Polandia.
Richard bersama kedua orangnya kami undang hadir saat Board Change Over dan New Member Induction, Kamis, 19 Juli 2007. Inilah kesan-kesannya (uneditted)
Selamat membaca!
Salam untuk semua pengunjung blog ini. Nama saya Richard Timothy Handoko. Saya adalah seorang siswa YEP (Youth Exchange Program) dari Rotary Club Senayan tahun 2007-2008. Saya diterima oleh Eau Claire Rotary Club, Wisconsin, Amerika Serikat. Saya ingin mengikuti program ini karena saya mendapat berbagai kesempatan seperti kesempatan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan bersosialisasi, kemampuan untuk beradaptasi di tempat tinggal yang baru, juga membangun wawasan internasional - tetapi sebenarnya lebih dari itu - karena menjadi semakin nyatalah bagi saya bahwa saya adalah seorang duta, yaitu duta dari Rotary Club sponsor, duta Indonesia, dan juga duta masyarakat Indonesia. Demikianlah pelajaran yang saya peroleh dari orientasi di Yogyakarta yang lalu.
Mungkinkah ini tahun terbaik dalam kehidupan saya seperti yang dikatakan oleh beberapa ROTEX? Entah ini tahun terbaik ataupun tahun terburuk saya tetap bersukacita dan bersyukur karena sekarang saya menyadari bahwa hal-hal yang terpahit sekalipun adalah manis bagi saya.
Saya melihat dan mendapat kesan dalam pertemuan yang saya hadiri untuk pertama kalinya itu bahwa agaknya tidak ada permusuhan maupun sekedar persaingan di antara para Rotarian. Ini merupakan hal yang positif. Para Rotarian saling menghargai satu dengan lainnya, juga membangun persahabatan. Hal positif lain yang dapat saya lihat untuk sementara ialah adanya kepedulian kepada sesama yang membutuhkan. Para pengelolanya pun ahli dalam bidangnya masing-masing, sehingga dapat mempermudah pekerjaan. Saya harus mengakhiri tulisan ini sekarang dan saya ucapkan terima kasih.
Greetings for all visitors of this blog! My name is Richard Timothy Handoko. I am a YEP (Youth Exchange Program Student) from Senayan Rotary Club year 2007-2008. My host club is Eau Claire Rotary Club, Wisconsin, USA. I wanted to join this program first because I will get various opportunities such as an opportunity to develop social skills, ability to adapt to a new environment, and an opportunity to build international understanding - but it is actually more than just that - because it seems to be clearer to me now that I am an ambassador, precisely an ambassador of my rotary club, ambassador of Indonesia, and an ambassador of the people of Indonesia. That's the lesson I get during orientation in Yogyakarta previously.
Is it going to be the best year in my life like some ROTEX state? Whether this is the best year or the worst year I will rejoice always and give thanks because I realized from my experiences in my life that even the most harsh things are sweet for me.
I saw and get some impressions about Rotarians and their activities from my first attendance to the club meeting. I saw no competition or even just a competition between Rotarians. This is a positive thing to say. The rotarians respect each other and goodwill friendship. Another positive thing I found is the care for someone else's in need. The members which are also professionals who are experts in their own fields make the work smoother. I think it's enough for now and I say thank you(!).
Richard bersama kedua orangnya kami undang hadir saat Board Change Over dan New Member Induction, Kamis, 19 Juli 2007. Inilah kesan-kesannya (uneditted)
Selamat membaca!
Salam untuk semua pengunjung blog ini. Nama saya Richard Timothy Handoko. Saya adalah seorang siswa YEP (Youth Exchange Program) dari Rotary Club Senayan tahun 2007-2008. Saya diterima oleh Eau Claire Rotary Club, Wisconsin, Amerika Serikat. Saya ingin mengikuti program ini karena saya mendapat berbagai kesempatan seperti kesempatan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan bersosialisasi, kemampuan untuk beradaptasi di tempat tinggal yang baru, juga membangun wawasan internasional - tetapi sebenarnya lebih dari itu - karena menjadi semakin nyatalah bagi saya bahwa saya adalah seorang duta, yaitu duta dari Rotary Club sponsor, duta Indonesia, dan juga duta masyarakat Indonesia. Demikianlah pelajaran yang saya peroleh dari orientasi di Yogyakarta yang lalu.
Mungkinkah ini tahun terbaik dalam kehidupan saya seperti yang dikatakan oleh beberapa ROTEX? Entah ini tahun terbaik ataupun tahun terburuk saya tetap bersukacita dan bersyukur karena sekarang saya menyadari bahwa hal-hal yang terpahit sekalipun adalah manis bagi saya.
Saya melihat dan mendapat kesan dalam pertemuan yang saya hadiri untuk pertama kalinya itu bahwa agaknya tidak ada permusuhan maupun sekedar persaingan di antara para Rotarian. Ini merupakan hal yang positif. Para Rotarian saling menghargai satu dengan lainnya, juga membangun persahabatan. Hal positif lain yang dapat saya lihat untuk sementara ialah adanya kepedulian kepada sesama yang membutuhkan. Para pengelolanya pun ahli dalam bidangnya masing-masing, sehingga dapat mempermudah pekerjaan. Saya harus mengakhiri tulisan ini sekarang dan saya ucapkan terima kasih.
Greetings for all visitors of this blog! My name is Richard Timothy Handoko. I am a YEP (Youth Exchange Program Student) from Senayan Rotary Club year 2007-2008. My host club is Eau Claire Rotary Club, Wisconsin, USA. I wanted to join this program first because I will get various opportunities such as an opportunity to develop social skills, ability to adapt to a new environment, and an opportunity to build international understanding - but it is actually more than just that - because it seems to be clearer to me now that I am an ambassador, precisely an ambassador of my rotary club, ambassador of Indonesia, and an ambassador of the people of Indonesia. That's the lesson I get during orientation in Yogyakarta previously.
Is it going to be the best year in my life like some ROTEX state? Whether this is the best year or the worst year I will rejoice always and give thanks because I realized from my experiences in my life that even the most harsh things are sweet for me.
I saw and get some impressions about Rotarians and their activities from my first attendance to the club meeting. I saw no competition or even just a competition between Rotarians. This is a positive thing to say. The rotarians respect each other and goodwill friendship. Another positive thing I found is the care for someone else's in need. The members which are also professionals who are experts in their own fields make the work smoother. I think it's enough for now and I say thank you(!).
Sunday, July 22, 2007
The answer is simple. We see opportunity at Rotary Club…
1. An opportunity to have a quality fellowship
2. An opportunity to work together to help the needy
3. An opportunity to build networking both nationwide and worldwide
4. An opportunity to promote peace and international understanding
1. An opportunity to have a quality fellowship
2. An opportunity to work together to help the needy
3. An opportunity to build networking both nationwide and worldwide
4. An opportunity to promote peace and international understanding
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Menjadi Rotarian. Sebuah panggilan?
Oleh: Chris Maryanto
Rotarian (anggota Rotary Club biasa disebut) adalah sebuah peran. Dengan menjadi Rotarian sejak tahun 2003, saya telah menambahkan satu lagi peran dalam hidup saya, selain peran-peran sosial yang sudah menempel sepanjang hidup saya, seperti menjadi anak, menjadi kakak, menjadi profesional, dan sebagainya. Peran identik dengan komitmen dan komitmen identik dengan tanggung jawab. Inilah uniknya. Menjadi Rotarian adalah membangun komitmen dengan diri sendiri, dan bertanggung jawab terhadap diri sendiri.
Menjadi Rotarian adalah sebuah proses bercakap-cakap dengan diri sendiri. Sebesar apakah yang akan kita berikan? Batasnya adalah diri sendiri. You are the limit.
Menjadi Rotarian adalah sebuah panggilan, panggilan untuk mengambil berbagai kesempatan. Kesempatan! Sebuah kata yang membuat saya selalu berproses dalam hidup. Kesempatan yang ada di Rotary Club tidak terhitung jumlahnya, mulai dari kesempatan berbagi ilmu dalam vocational program, kesempatan berbagai berkat dalam charity event, kesempatan memperluas network untuk persahabatan dan bisnis, kesempatan mendapatkan teman dari berbagai belahan dunia, dan masih banyak lagi.
Menjadi Rotarian memang tidak mudah. Selain kita wajib punya semangat sebagai seorang leader, kita juga wajib memenuhi persyaratan administratif, yaitu membayar iuran ke Club, District dan Rotary Internasional. Dua hal ini menjadi awal dari persyaratan. Persayaratan lain? Jika ada kegiatan, kita dituntut untuk rela memberikan waktu, tenaga, dan pikiran untuk bersama-sama anggota lain merelasisasikannya. Dengan semangat panggilan, kita menjadi tidak pernah berhitung, karena kita tahu bahwa sesuatu yang lebih besar menanti kita saat kita berbuat sesuatu bagi orang lain, bagi masyarakat kita.
Apa yang membuat Anda terpanggil menjadi seorang Rotarian?
Rotarian (anggota Rotary Club biasa disebut) adalah sebuah peran. Dengan menjadi Rotarian sejak tahun 2003, saya telah menambahkan satu lagi peran dalam hidup saya, selain peran-peran sosial yang sudah menempel sepanjang hidup saya, seperti menjadi anak, menjadi kakak, menjadi profesional, dan sebagainya. Peran identik dengan komitmen dan komitmen identik dengan tanggung jawab. Inilah uniknya. Menjadi Rotarian adalah membangun komitmen dengan diri sendiri, dan bertanggung jawab terhadap diri sendiri.
Menjadi Rotarian adalah sebuah proses bercakap-cakap dengan diri sendiri. Sebesar apakah yang akan kita berikan? Batasnya adalah diri sendiri. You are the limit.
Menjadi Rotarian adalah sebuah panggilan, panggilan untuk mengambil berbagai kesempatan. Kesempatan! Sebuah kata yang membuat saya selalu berproses dalam hidup. Kesempatan yang ada di Rotary Club tidak terhitung jumlahnya, mulai dari kesempatan berbagi ilmu dalam vocational program, kesempatan berbagai berkat dalam charity event, kesempatan memperluas network untuk persahabatan dan bisnis, kesempatan mendapatkan teman dari berbagai belahan dunia, dan masih banyak lagi.
Menjadi Rotarian memang tidak mudah. Selain kita wajib punya semangat sebagai seorang leader, kita juga wajib memenuhi persyaratan administratif, yaitu membayar iuran ke Club, District dan Rotary Internasional. Dua hal ini menjadi awal dari persyaratan. Persayaratan lain? Jika ada kegiatan, kita dituntut untuk rela memberikan waktu, tenaga, dan pikiran untuk bersama-sama anggota lain merelasisasikannya. Dengan semangat panggilan, kita menjadi tidak pernah berhitung, karena kita tahu bahwa sesuatu yang lebih besar menanti kita saat kita berbuat sesuatu bagi orang lain, bagi masyarakat kita.
Apa yang membuat Anda terpanggil menjadi seorang Rotarian?
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